Cool Places that I like to visit and maybe you will as well.
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Favorite Sites
Slice of Heaven
My mate Kimmie just started this page on Christian Music. Enjoy the music and the Links to some of the greatest Christian Artist's sites! Have Fun. Good Luck Kimmie.
Future Forests
This is the home page for the Carbon Neutral Project and what the Trees on Dom's hand is all about. Wicked Stuff go see please. support the Environment.
Elf Love
I thought I'd already linked Maggie...stupid Freeservers. Ok, so maybe I'm not an elf girl, but for those of you who are (and I know there are a lot of you) this is one wicked cool site! Go Maggie!!
Believe in Elves
Go visit Ira! She's so funny. I believe in elves! I'd rather have a hobbit, but still...elves are cool. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Allison's Wonderland
My Mate Allison started this page. Go see for yourself all the fun. Heheheheheh :)
Billy Boyd Official Page
The official page for Mr. Boyd himself. Is v funny.
The best and most up to date LotR info and news on the web!